Increase Libido in Women after Menopause
Can Women Increase Libido after Menopause?
It is possible to increase libido after menopause – here’s how.
Even before menopause, many women experience a gradual drop-off in libido and find it hard to regain the sex drive they had when they were younger.
After menopause and the hormonal changes that accompany it, many women find they experience an even more dramatic erosion of their libido.
What is Menopause? Menopause is the end of a woman’s menstrual cycle and fertility. It happens when the ovaries no longer make estrogen and progesterone, two hormones needed for a woman’s fertility, and periods have stopped for 1 year.
The term “menopause” is commonly used to describe any of the changes a woman experiences either just before or after she stops menstruating, marking the end of her reproductive period. The symptoms of menopause range from “mild” for some women to “extreme” for others – and can last for weeks, months – or in extreme cases – a few years!
Menopause is a natural evolution of the female body that happens at various ages for different women – however there are external factors which can prematurely cause the onset of menopause. Some women experience induced menopause as a result of surgery or medical treatments, such as chemotherapy and pelvic radiation therapy.
Menopause is defined as occurring 12 months after your last menstrual period and marks the permanent end of menstrual cycles. Menopause can happen as early as your 40s and into your 50s, but the average age is 51 in the United States. It’s important to remember that menopause is a natural biological process. Although it does end fertility, you definitely can stay healthy, vital and sexual. Some women feel relieved because they no longer need to worry about pregnancy. This article will aim to show you how you can not only restore – but IMPROVE female libido after menopause.
VIDEO: Menopause – Symptoms and Tips
Symptoms of Menopause
There are many, many symptoms associated with the onset of menopause, however the symptoms most commonly experienced by women include hot flashes, night sweats, irregular periods, loss of libido, vaginal dryness, and mood swings. Other symptoms can include breast pain, headaches, joint pain, burning tongue, and digestive problems.
One of the most pronounced symptoms of menopause is a loss of female libido. This can range from a partial reduction in female sex drive all the way to a complete and utter loss of sexual desire while menopause is underway.
Understandably, many women fear that they will never regain their libido and/or desire sex again. This is not usually the case however, and many things can be done during and after menopause to re-ignite sexual desire and restore a woman’s libido.
The symptoms of menopause that women experience are primarily related to a lowered production of the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. If menopausal symptoms occur, they may include hot flashes, night sweats, pain during intercourse, increased anxiety or irritability, and the need to urinate more often. Loss of estrogen is believed to be the cause of many of the symptoms associated with menopause.
10 Signs and Symptoms you’re going through menopause.
1) Hot Flashes. Hot flashes are probably the most renowned symptom of menopause and one that is often joked about by menopausal women going through “the change”. Hot flashes are the most common symptom of menopause and can occur in as many as 75% of perimenopausal women.
A hot flash is typically defined as a feeling of warmth that spreads over the body, usually lasting from 30 seconds to a few minutes. Hot flashes usually last 2 to 3 years, but many women can experience hot flashes for 5 years or even longer.
2) Loss of Libido. Many women experience a noticeable drop in their sex drive in the years leading up to menopause, and low female libido is one of the most commonly noted problems in doctor visits related to menopause. Most studies indicate that fluctuating hormonal levels during menopause are behind what is often a dramatic decrease in female libido during and after menopause.
3) Urinary incontinence. Many women experience incontinence during menopause, especially women who have had children and/or experienced incontinence prior to menopause. This can also include a ‘burning sensation’ during urination.
4) Vaginal Changes. Because estrogen affects the vaginal lining, perimenopausal women may also have pain during intercourse and may note a change in vaginal discharge.
5) Breast Changes. Menopause may cause changes in the shape of the breasts. Some women also experience sensitivity during menopause, and breast pain can also be a common symptom.
6) Thinning of the skin. During menopause, lower levels of estrogen have a big impact on your skin. Less estrogen makes your skin more prone to thinning, sagging, and wrinkling.
7) Bone Loss. Rapid bone loss is common during the perimenopausal years. Most women reach their peak bone density when aged 25 to 30 years. After that, bone loss averages 0.13% per year. During perimenopause, bone loss accelerates to about a 3% loss per year. No pain is usually associated with bone loss, however, bone loss can cause osteoporosis, a condition that increases the risk of bone fractures.
8) Heart Disease. While it is unclear exactly how much is due to aging and how much is caused by the hormonal changes of menopause, studies show that women who undergo premature menopause or have their ovaries removed at an early age are at increased risk of heart disease.
9) Cholesterol. Cholesterol profiles also change significantly at the time of menopause. Total cholesterol and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels increase. Increased LDL cholesterol is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, a symptom noted above.
10) Weight gain. A three year study of healthy women nearing menopause found an average gain of five pounds during the three years. Hormonal changes and aging are both possible factors in this weight gain.
As you can see, there are many symptoms of menopause – and the list above notes just the most common (and annoying!) symptoms that most women experience. Studies have shown that there are upwards of 40 symptoms of menopause that are experienced by most women – with some lasting for weeks or months – while others can last 5 years or more.
How to Boost Female Sex Drive AFTER Menopause.
There are several ways to reduce menopause symptoms and many options to boost female libido both during and after menopause. Your physician may recommend any number of treatments to alleviate the symptoms of menopause – which could include a combination of lifestyle changes, therapy, medication, or herbal supplementation.
A large number of women experience issues with low libido during menopause, and if you address these issues head-on, you can substantially boost your sex drive as you go through “the change”. Make more time for sex, and try and increase the use of massage and foreplay during intimate times with your partner.
Hormonal changes are usually the culprit behind low sex drive around menopause, but other things can affect your libido as well. Other contributing factors may include poor sleep, bladder trouble, stress, or depression.
Here are some possible avenues to explore to boost your sex drive and make sex more pleasurable and satisfying:
Increase Sexual Stimulation. In many cases, women who are not enjoying sex are not getting enough effective sexual stimulation. Many women do not realize that the female body requires both direct and indirect stimulation of the clitoris to reach orgasm. Consider switching sexual positions to produce more clitoral stimulation. Often times using a vibrator during sex can help trigger an orgasm. Consider doubling the amount of foreplay before intercourse to facilitate an orgasm – or increase the use of digital or oral stimulation. Fantasizing, role-playing, and mental imagery can also increase sexual response and lead to higher instances of achieving orgasm and sexual satisfaction.
Get to know your body. Understanding your own body, including where and how you like to be touched, can lead to better sexual satisfaction and enjoyment. Take some time to explore your own body. Self-stimulation or using a vibrator can help you discover what type of touch feels best to you, and then you can share that information with your partner. If you’re uncomfortable with doing this exploration, your partner will likely be very interested in doing it for you.
Couples counseling and/or Behavioral therapy. Conflicts and disagreements in your relationship can affect your sex drive and ability to get aroused. A counselor can help you work through disagreements and tensions and get your sex life back on track. Another option is cognitive behavioral therapy, which attempts to change the negative thoughts or associations you might have regarding sex. You might be given specific exercises to try at home to first learn methods to achieve orgasm on your own – which you can then pass on to your partner.
Sex therapy. Sex therapists are therapists who specialize in treating sexual problems or issues. Although you might be embarrassed or nervous about seeing a sex therapist, they can be very helpful in treating low female libido. Therapy often includes sex education, help with communication skills, and behavioral exercises that you and your partner try at home.
Medical treatments. One important factor in treating low sex drive is to first treat any underlying medical conditions. If a medical condition is interfering with your libido or ability to achieve orgasm – then treating the underlying medical condition will often solve the problem. Also, estrogen therapy and testosterone therapy can be options for women with anorgasmia (inability to orgasm), although it may depend on whether you are ‘pre’ or postmenopausal. You will need to consult your doctor before considering estrogen or testosterone therapy as options for treating anorgasmia.
Natural supplements. Often times the lack of ability to reach orgasm can be caused by hormonal deficiencies or imbalances which can be addressed and corrected with natural herbal therapies or supplements. These herbal remedies are usually very safe and can be quite effective. One of the benefits with this treatment option is the lack of side effects and because they are not drugs, you can purchase them without a prescription. There are several natural herbs which are known to improve female sexual response and improve pleasure – which can help women achieve orgasm more frequently.
VIDEO: How to Boost Female Sex Drive DURING Menopause
Herbs to Boost Female Sex Drive after Menopause
One popular herb to boost female sexual response is Damiana – used for centuries as an aphrodisiac for women due to its ability to improve blood flow and increase oxygen delivery to the genital area which improves female sexual sensation and pleasure. Historically, Damiana has been used to relieve anxiety, nervousness, and mild depression, especially if these symptoms have a sexual component. The herb is also used as a general tonic to improve wellness.
Damiana is well known in southwestern cultures as a sexual tonic and is recommended by many top herbalists. It stimulates the intestinal tract and brings oxygen to the genital area. It also increases energy levels which does a lot to restore female libido and sexual desire. Damiana can often restore a woman’s ability to achieve orgasm. Damiana is used primarily as an energy tonic and an aphrodisiac for both women and men.
Another excellent aphrodisiac to boost female sexual pleasure is Fenugreek – a plant native to India and North Africa which is a unique herb rich in phyto-estrogens. Fenugreek has been used for centuries in several cultures for its help in restoring female sex drive and enhancing sexual satisfaction and enjoyment. As an added bonus, Fenugreek is an excellent herbal remedy for reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
According to the results of a double-blind randomized placebo controlled study, daily supplement of an extract from Fenugreek works to enhance female libido. A standardized extract of Fenugreek was associated with significant increases in measures of female sexual arousal, sexual behavior, sexual drive, and orgasm. These findings were published in Phyotherapy Research.
Dong Quai
Another herb with uses to boost sexual arousal for women is Dong Quai Root – used for over 1000 years as a medicine in China, Korea, and Japan. Dong Quai Root is used to treat female reproductive problems, as well as painful menstruation, and is also used to improve blood flow. Dong Quai is often named the “female ginseng” because of its many benefits for women, including enhancing female fertility. Dong Quai balances estrogen levels and because of this is known as the premier “gynecological regulator.”
Dong Quai has the ability to reduce your estrogen levels if they are too high – and can increase them if they are too low. In addition to working as a female aphrodisiac, Dong Quai works to cleanse and strengthen your circulatory system and improve digestion, making it a very effective tool in improving overall female health.
Femestril – A ‘Natural’ response to Boost Sex Drive after Menopause.
Femestril was specifically formulated to be the ultimate female libido booster. Although the ingredients in Femestril make it the perfect natural aphrodisiac for women, several of the ingredients have also been used for centuries for their ability to reduce and soothe the effects of menopause. In fact, we have heard from many of our customers who use Femestril solely for its ability to reduce their menopause symptoms! See more on our Femestril testimonials page to get an idea of how you can benefit from Femestril too!
Our researchers set out to create the ultimate female libido booster using only safe, proven and effective ingredients. Sure you could go to a number of stores and buy all these female libido herbs and ingredients separately, but why would you when we’ve combined them into one single, effective and affordable formula that contains the herbs used for centuries as aphrodisiacs for women.
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