Hypersexuality in Women
Hypersexuality in Women
What is Hypersexuality?
Hypersexuality in women has been a controversial topic for some time. Generally, hypersexual individuals tend to fantasize about sex often, have strong sexual urges, and engage in sexual behaviors to the point that it causes them personal distress and disrupts their daily lives.
Hypersexual women tend to masturbate more frequently, use more pornography, and have more sex partners than other women, German researchers have found.
However, the American Psychiatric Association decided against including “hypersexual disorder” in its latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) because there has not been enough research on hypersexuality.
The authors of the present study pointed out that little research has addressed hypersexuality in women; most studies concern men. Their goal was to get a better understanding of female hypersexuality and see how hypersexuality might be linked to sexually risky behavior.
To do this, they conducted an online survey of 988 women with a mean age of 24 years. Almost 90% of the women were students at German universities.
The researchers used an assessment tool called the Hypersexual Behavior Inventory (HBI) to evaluate hypersexual behavior among the women. They found that about 3% of the participants could be classified as hypersexual. These women were more likely to single and bisexual. They were also more likely to have sex under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
To assess sexual risk behavior, the researchers used the Sexual Sensation Seeking Scale (SSSS). Sensation seeking, they said, was associated with high risk behavior, such as multiple partners and unprotected sex.
The women also answered questions about masturbation and pornography use, as well as the number of sexual partners they had had during the previous six months.
The researchers found that higher rates of masturbation and pornography use were linked to hypersexuality. In addition, hypersexual women had a greater number of sex partners.
Still, more research is needed. For example, the authors explained that higher rates of masturbation could be caused by persistent sexual arousal syndrome (PSAS) or persistent genital arousal disorder (PGAD).
Women with PSAS/PGAD can feel sexually aroused even when they don’t want to have sex and might masturbate more frequently to relieve these symptoms.
Future studies might also focus on women’s moods in relation to hypersexuality and high risk behavior, they said.
The authors noted that their findings might not necessarily apply to all women. For instance, the participants in this study were more educated than the average female population in Germany. They were also young and might have been more sexually active than older women.
(The study was first published online in June in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.)
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